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On behalf of EAFO Board of Directors and Organizing Committee it gives us pleasure in inviting you to participate in the VII EAFO Melanoma & Skin Tumors Forum to be held in 2023 in hybrid format.

Abstracts should be in English (of good quality) and structured as follows: Background, Aims, Materials & Methods, Results, Conclusions, Key Words and Conflict of Interest/Comments. The abstract text is limited to 2500 characters, excluding spaces.

Abstracts are accepted only in ENGLISH.

The Proceedings of the Forum will be published in the Program/Abstract book. For a selected abstract to be considered for oral/poster presentations or publication alone, it is mandatory that the presenting author is a confirmed registered participant. Prior to publication, all materials will undergo peer review and editing. The abstracts will be reviewed by an international panel of experts. Based on the review outcomes the abstracts will be selected for oral or poster presentation.

The authors of abstracts selected will be given the opportunity to avail of a special registration rate valid for a limited period. Please note, that failing to register in time specially allotted for authors of selected abstracts will lead to deleting of the abstract prior to publication.

Please note that in case of No show, your Abstract will not be published.